Could YOU be keeping yourself single?
2 Corinthians 10:4, NLT: “We use God’s mighty weapons, not worldly weapons, to knock down the strongholds of human reasoning and to destroy false arguments.”
I found this while streaming through my Google+ news stream:
Today in church the pastor talked about how our own faulty perceptions of God are what keeps us from not only knowing Him, but experiencing the full life He sent Jesus to give us by way of dying on the cross for us. Things like “God doesn’t really love me”, “God doesn’t care about what I want”, “God doesn’t care that someone I loved hurt me”. It got me to thinking…”Is it possible that we’re our own reason for still being single?”
Maybe we think God doesn’t care about whether we remain single or marry – even though we really do desire it. So we stop seeking Him about the matter. So instead of having a persistence like the widow who hounded the judge for justice (think Luke 18: 1-8), we become like Martha who decided God doesn’t care about the trouble we face.
If the saying in the picture is true, then obstacles also come about when we take our focus off Him and then decide that our undesirable circumstances mean that God does not care to move on our behalf. Today, if you are single but you desire marriage I challenge you to go to God about the matter – as many times as you need to in order to believe He cares about you and that part of your life.
As many times as it takes…write it out, talk it out, pray it out, shout it out. Whatever it takes to tear down the stronghold of believing that God just does not care. Because He does. More than you will EVER know.
If you’re ready to learn God’s will for your life concerning marriage, check out this e-booklet:

Afi Ruel
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