Serial Dating vs. Dating God’s Way
The Truth About Serial Dating by Simone Boyd
Picture your heart as a whole apple pie. For every emotional entanglement (real or perceived), you are giving away a slice of that pie. If you do that consistently, what will be left for your dream man?
Why Serial Dating is Damaging
Proverbs 4: 23 says: Guard your heart with all diligence, because out of it flow the issues of life. When you are serial dating, you are not guarding your heart. Serial dating causes you to make yourself available for constant critiques. And it leaves you wondering “Does this guy like me?” “Why didn’t he call me?” Etc. Etc.
I serial dated in college. But, after I started REALLY walking with Lord, I realized it was damaging to my self-esteem to spend my free time with random men. So, I started to date with the intention of getting married.
How to Date Intentionally
· Set Criteria -There are some eligibility requirements for dating you! And, every guy that winks at you is not eligible.
· Date One Guy – Pop culture says to keep things loose until you discuss exclusivity. I reject that notion. Like or not, dating is a prequel to marriage. And, we all hope to be married to one man “happily ever after.” We should date that way too.
· Introduce Him to Your Friends Early – They’ll pick up on red flags. If you don’t want to introduce him to your friends, there is probably an issue that you are avoiding.
But, Simone, I’m not even dating?!
That was me too! I took a 3-year dating hiatus. And, during that time my walk with the Lord deepened and He healed past relationship wounds. God wants a relationship with you more than anything. And, He may be blocking you from romance with a man…so that He can romance you.
Do you have questions or want more detail? Listen to the Let’s Talk Chat on Thursday, August 14th at 7 PM EST. We’ll be discussing dating intentionally, courtship, and how to be ready for marriage. Register here.
Can’t wait to talk with you! Love, Simone
M. Simone Boyd is married, has seven siblings, and is an energy industry analyst. She lives in Washington, D.C. and writes about relationships, marriage, and families at . For more tips on building rich relationships subscribe to her blog and follow her on Twitter @MSimoneBoyd.

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