Christian Dating: 3 Things That Will Run Off a Good Man
One of the saddest realities of being single when you don’t want to be is the reality that you’re the reason you’re still single…
Granted, there are times when you keep meeting people who are no good for you. But there are times when it’s us (women) running off perfectly good men. If that’s you, you don’t have to keep getting in your own way by doing things that will run off a good man. I talked about a date I had that made me think about more reasons why women stay single when they don’t have to. But here are 3 that I’ve seen play out over and over that can be overcome and avoided after moving forward:
Unhealed wounds: Most healthy people – man or woman – aren’t going to knowingly sign up for relationships with people who are unhealthy…emotionally, spiritually, mentally or physically. And it’s not because they just don’t care. They don’t want to become a casualty during the experience of loving and accepting that person for who they are. And ladies, a good man who is healthy wants his match in a relationship that leads to marriage. So if you’re dealing with unhealed wounds from anything you’ve experienced to include your own poor choices, now is the time to heal…while you’re still single and before you meet that really great guy who liked you but could tell you have issues that he just can’t help you with.
Unresolved break-ups: Ladies, men are smart. And they’re visual too. They can take one look at us and know if we have old baggage from our past relationships. Granted, their “visual bent” can also be a disadvantage because some of us are masters at giving pretty face and covering up our issues, and men are more likely to assume that we are good if we look good. But they can also tell if we’re still walking around in a funk because of a bad, recent breakup. So break those old and toxic soul ties and decide that you will not go back and forth between the present and those old relationships.
Ungodly Barriers: Yes, the Bible says to guard your heart. But where in the Bible does God command us to trust other people? He only commands us to love each other. I could give you my interpretation as to why, but instead I’ll state the facts. Loving people as God commands us to still poses risks. But it also has it’s rewards. Ungodly barriers keep those people that God has commanded you to love out of your life. Ungodly barriers include (but are not limited to) suspicion, accusing without proof, pulling away with no explanation, refusing to engage in small talk or other ways to build rapport, having to have your way all the time, and the list goes on. People who don’t have barriers pick up on this and eventually either give up and walk away or love you “from a distance”.
It’s never too late to make a change for the better. And it’s never too late to learn how to be open to the people who cross your path.
Half the battle of relating to the opposite sex in dating is not shutting down new possibilities before they have a chance to flourish.
The other half is what you do after a connection proves to be genuine and loaded with positive possibilities.
If you’re single and desire marriage to a man who’s a great match for you, we’d love to have you as part of the Let’s Talk About It Community. It’s a safe place for you to discuss your dating and life challenges that we all face as single women. Click the banner below for information on how to join:
I’m Afi (pronounced Ah-fee) Pittman and welcome to my blog. I’m an author, radio and TV show host, and an active duty Naval officer. I love to share the lessons I’ve learned about life and living well as a single. My company, Author of Faith Enterprises, serves single women who desire to date and marry God’s way, and individuals who want more out of life.
Afi Ruel
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