Christian Dating: 3 Things That Make Marriage-Minded Men Pursue Women
Sometime last year I remember talking to two young ladies about dating. Eventually we came up on the topic of who should pay for a date. One young lady felt that in the beginning of a dating relationship, the man should pay. When explaining why, she said: “He-LLO…I’M the catch!” In other words, she felt it was the man’s job to win the woman over, not the other way around.
I thought she had a good point. And her point allowed me to see something: that some women really do struggle with their self-worth. In dating, it shows itself as setting low standards and pursuing a man. The fact that women pursuing men is generally acceptable in our culture for doesn’t help matters either. I get it. But I also understand how men and women relating to each other in a relationship leading to marriage really works. So if you’re ready to do something different, and start interacting with marriage-minded men, let’s talk about who’s really supposed to “catch” who.
If you are wondering why some women seem to always have good, husband-material men tripping over themselves, trying to win them over, or just in general pursuing them, I want to share 3 of ALL of the things that make marriage-minded men pursue women.
1: They are confident. Confident women are no different from women who are not-so-confident. They like men and they like having fun going out with those men. Being complimented. Being wined and dined. Being wooed and won over. But here’s the thing. They don’t base their self-worth on or define themselves as women based on what man is paying them attention or taking them out. They also don’t dress to get a man’s attention. They don’t behave in ways they believe will get a man’s attention. They like who they are, they like what they like to wear. And they’re secure enough to know what they need to work on within themselves. Because they don’t base their internal worth on external things – or on people’s approval – their confidence is attractive to healthy, husband-material men.
2: They have standards. That means that not just any man can get their number, take them out or have sex with them. Marriage-minded men are kind of weird when it comes to this. Some of them will try every trick in the book to get you to have sex with them. But if you give in too soon and give up too much, they won’t appreciate you, your body or your time as much. So as a woman, your best defense against their offensive moves in this matter is to have standards and stick to them. If you’re not having sex until marriage, don’t give in just because you like him. If you need a commitment from him that things are headed towards marriage, get it before you have sex with him. And it’s not just sex. Before you go on a date with a man, you need to know what your standards are regarding how he treats you and what your ultimate goal is for dating. Whatever your standard is regarding these things, stick to it. You might have moments of weakness and temptation. But if you don’t give in, you stand a much better chance of walking away from a relationship or situation that wasn’t meant to be with your self-respect, dignity and self-esteem intact.
3: They are active. When I say active I do not mean that they keep themselves busy working, working out or going to church. They have a well-rounded life that involves friends, hobbies, interests and uniqueness. Marriage-minded men love unique, active women. They like to know they got a “deal” when they took their wife off the market. They like to feel like that woman was made specially for them. And that’s because when God made woman, he made her specially for man.
If you are a single woman reading this and you desire marriage, but you’re unsure of your value to a man in a marriage, please believe me when I tell you that YOU ARE THE CATCH!
And if you want to know how to meet single, Christian men – period – I want to invite you to take part in my audio ecourse “Meet Single Christian Men”. It includes ideas on how to meet marriage-minded Christian men and more importantly, how to prepare yourself mentally and emotionally to be found by the man you want to marry:
Afi Ruel
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