Living a Lifestyle of Purity in a Sex-Obsessed World
Living a Lifestyle of Purity in a Sex-Obsessed World, by Christie Mambounou, Single Sisters in University
Purity is an unpopular term in today’s society…
Many consider it obsolete and it’s no wonder because we live in a sexsaturated world. What’s surprising though is that Christian women have also adopted this mindset. We’re not of the world ladies; Jesus said this in relation to His disciples: “They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world” (John 17:16). Therefore, we should behave like God’s children not the devil’s; there needs to be a desire for holiness just as our Father is holy (1 Peter 1:15). So what’s purity anyway? Taken from The Free Dictionary, it means “freedom from anything that contaminates, freedom from spiritual or moral defilement; innocence.” As single Christian women, we should hence avoid being contaminated by the world and direct our focus towards God (setting ourselves apart for the glory of God). The real question, however, is how do we embrace a lifestyle of purity in a sex-saturated world?
The first step is to start internally from the foundation: Our heart. Matthew 15:19 says “For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false witness, slander. These are what defile a person.” If we’re serious about becoming pure, our heart needs to be checked. Psalms 119:911 reveals: “How can a young man keep his way pure? By guarding it according to Your word. With my whole heart I seek You; let me not wander from Your commandments! I have stored up Your word in my heart, that I might not sin against You.” The way to a pure life is through the Word of God; we need to read, study, meditate, and obey the Word daily if we want to overcome the pressures of this world. Through the Bible, we learn about God and thus purity. If you’re not used to digging into the Word, start with a simple reading plan. Read one verse per day, ask the Holy Spirit for understanding, then go about meditating and obeying that verse throughout the day. Take small steps and if you’re consistent, the Lord will increase your knowledge and thirst for His Word. Train your heart to obey the Lord little by little then you’ll see a drop in your love for the world. My pastor usually says “the closer we get to God, the further away we get from sin,” and this is so true! The complaints, gossip, lies, and fornication won’t seem appealing again as you become more interested in pleasing God.
The second step is to start externally by taking action. “Do not be deceived: ‘Bad company ruins good morals’ “1 Corinthians 15:33. ‘Bad company’ can be human like friends, family, etc. Who do we hang out with? Do these people encourage us to live godly lives? Do they build or destroy us? At my former workplace, I had a colleague who was interested in me and God clearly revealed that he wasn’t the one. Nevertheless, this coworker confidently showed to everyone that I was going to be his girlfriend so in order to preserve my testimony in the Lord, I had to talk to him privately and politely to let him know that nothing could work out between us. Ladies, this is how serious we need to take purity; not play with or date around with guys, but be firm in our faith. Why? Because bad company ruins good morals. ‘Bad company’ can also be material like music, movies, books, TV, etc. What do we watch? Listen to? Read? Does it cause us to lust? Does it glorify God or the devil? Be careful ladies. I’m not saying we should surround ourselves with all Christian entertainment, however, we need to survey what enters into our minds to avoid contamination.
The second step is to start externally by taking action. “Do not be deceived: ‘Bad company ruins good morals’ “1 Corinthians 15:33. ‘Bad company’ can be human like friends, family, etc. Who do we hang out with? Do these people encourage us to live godly lives? Do they build or destroy us? At my former workplace, I had a colleague who was interested in me and God clearly revealed that he wasn’t the one. Nevertheless, this coworker confidently showed to everyone that I was going to be his girlfriend so in order to preserve my testimony in the Lord, I had to talk to him privately and politely to let him know that nothing could work out between us. Ladies, this is how serious we need to take purity; not play with or date around guys, but be firm in our faith. Why? Because bad company ruins good morals. ‘Bad company’ can also be material like music, movies, books, TV, etc. What do we watch? Listen to? Read? Does it cause us to lust? Does it glorify God or the devil? Be careful ladies. I’m not saying we should surround ourselves with all Christian entertainment, however, we need to survey what enters into our minds to avoid contamination.
Following these steps may be challenging initially as we have opposite desires, and that’s why it’s important to also pray and fast. The Holy Spirit will help us do what our flesh cannot. If we honor God, He will honor us (1 Samuel 2:30). “Therefore ‘Come out from among them and be separate, says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean, and I will receive you.’ ”2 Corinthians 6:17.
Christie Mambounou
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- Living a Lifestyle of Purity in a Sex-Obsessed World - March 9, 2015

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