Christian Dating: Young, Christian and Woman! (Dating, Loving God and Finding Your Way in Today’s World)
Young, Christian and Woman! (Dating, Loving God and Finding Your Way in Today’s World) by Selassie Ami Torkornoo
I entered into University very hopeful and nervous at the same time. I had a very shielded life. My parents were very protective of us especially the girls. They were the kind who would prefer our friends coming over to we going to visit. Thanks to my dad, for sometime I had an inexplicable fear for being out at after dark. So yea that’s how bad it was. I am much better now but I’m still not a big fan of the night life. I’d rather snuggle in bed with a very intriguing novel and a cup of chai tea sitting in a saucer on the lamp table waiting for my occasional sips.
Well let’s rewind a bit before more university days. I didn’t want to have a culture shock for lack of a better phrase with my new found freedom when I finally went to University so I moved to Accra, a big city in Ghana where we had a house.
Of course I presented a much more befitting explanation to my Dad. Well bottom line is he took the bait and I was on my own in a big city and making my own decisions. So, I made it to first year first semester of undergrad school. It was a surreal overwhelming medley of emotions. Few days into my stay on campus I found a few of my friends from high school and that kind of kept me abase. So on to registering for courses, figuring out how to take the school shuttle from one place to another on campus and forming new acquaintances. It was a terrible fiasco for the first few weeks.
After the dust had somehow settled down and there was some form of order in my life, I yet struggled with one thing that meant a lot to me; finding a church to go to. Up until then I had always been a Catholic and on campus, I felt I wanted more (no offense to Catholics). I was hungry for more than just reciting words from a hymnal and daily structured services. So I refused to attend the Catholic Church on campus. I was invited to a bible teaching service at a non-denominational church on campus and I loved it! I knew I was going to find what I was looking for there. So the next Sunday I went back, became a member and joined the choir. I didn’t need a follow up. Every pastor’s dream first
That’s where my walk with God started becoming real and deeper. At this point I was just completely in love with the person of Jesus because He Had become so real to me. I did not have time for other unnecessary things anymore. I was just hungry to go deeper in Him.
I was dating at the time and several times I thought of ending the relationship because it did not feel like what God wanted for me. Ever since I got so involved with my relationship with God. It didn’t feel like I needed any other source of love or assurance of love. However, along the line I would find myself entangled in this web that I could not break free of. It went back and forth for my four year stay on campus and I finally got the strength from God to break things of once and for all.
It wasn’t always a smooth ride in my relationship with God. There were days I did not feel worthy to enter the house of God because I did things that I was not proud of. I had conducted myself in ways that didn’t speak well of me. I had anger outbursts. Oh yes I was a mess sometimes. But I came to a realization that I had no one else to turn to but God whether I was worthy of it or not and daily He assured me of His undying love.
I am still single and I’m really enjoying it. I have taken these few years as my time of total surrender to God. I find myself in a place where I am poured out before Him and undergoing purging. I’ve witnessed a great deal of good changes and some other things still need some work. Sometimes I miss the feeling of having someone special and it’s very natural. I embrace it when it occurs however, I snap out of it quickly because I am persuaded that God has someone for me and there is need worrying and losing sleep over it.
As I enter into Law School, I see a bright future ahead and I am yearning for a deeper dimension of the personality of God to unfold before me. More importantly to have a clearer understanding of what the destination of God’s plans for me are so I may walk in the path that leads to it.
Selassie Ami Torkornoo is an aspiring Attorney with a passion to emancipate abused women from both physical and mental turmoil by proclaiming the freedom which comes through Jesus Christ and the Gospel. She is also working on her first book. Visit her at
Afi Ruel
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