30 Days to a NEW YOU:
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Websites for Christian Singles:
- Love and Grace Media: www.loveandgracemedia.com
- Aesha Adams: www.aeshaadams.com
- Single Ready and Waiting: www.singlereadyandwaiting.com
- Single Matters: www.singlematters.com
- Empowering Single Women to Live a Purpose-Filled Life: http://tcspellen.com/
For Christian Women:
- The Praying Woman: www.theprayingwoman.com
- Walking in Your Purpose: http://phaedraanderson.weebly.com/
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What I’m reading:
- Single and Free to be Me, Dr. Clarence Shuler
- Sex, Lies and Holiness, by Alana Wellington
- A Princess Whispers to Her Father, by Soleil Meade
- Single, Ready and Waiting, by Tanika Chambers