Let God Be The Judge: Don’t Faint Meditation

In one of my interviews, one of my mentors gave me a new perspective on the scripture “be wise as serpents, harmless as doves”. She said God was also calling us to use all the resources available to us. In other words, never judge a book by it’s cover. Now, I don’t promote using people, but God wants to use us all to help each other. The next time He puts someone in your life, let Him tell you why He put them there instead of sizing them up according to your own understanding.

When you apply this to the single’s love life…well, it’s already hard enough to do it God’s way. Don’t make it harder by disqualifying someone because they don’t look quite right to you. I will never forget. I was watching a documentary called “Soulmate”. One of the women who did get married said when she met her husband he was wearing white tube socks and “Jesus sandals”. She said the same thing I’m saying. Let whatever you think love should look like go. God is the final judge on all hearts and is perfectly qualified to give you insight into who others are.

Bio PictureAfter a series of baffling life challenges, narrowly missing the tragic tsunami of 2011 in Japan, and a near-death experience, Afi (pronounced Ah-fee) had a wake-up call. Since then she’s been chasing after God and His purpose for her life. Now she loves to make God’s Word “come to life” by blogging and combining her artwork with scriptures. If you are a single, Christian woman who needs encouragement on your journey to Mr. Right, you can keep in contact with Afi by subscribing to Author of Faith’s e-Newsletter below.


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