Inspiration: Why Your Spiritual Life is Dead Without Fervent Prayer

Happy New Year! If you struggled through 2015 and you want 2016 to be better, I’m going to share a personal secret to something that changed my own life before the end of 2015.

If you want your 2016 to take off, the best way to make sure it does is to PRAY. And make sure that you consistently engage in FERVENT prayer. Let me start by saying that fervent is a fancy way of saying something or someone is on fire. Here’s how Merriam Webster defines it:

adjective fer·vent \ˈfər-vənt\

1 very hot :  glowing

2 exhibiting or marked by great intensity of feeling :  zealous <fervent prayers>

And your spiritual life is dead without fervent prayer because you can’t have a real relationship with God without communication. I’m talking about the kind of communication where you talk to Him repeating His own Word from the Bible and being honest about what’s in your heart. Think about some of the best and healthiest relationships you’ve had. What was the communication like? I’m willing to bet it was clear, effective and inviting.

You also probably had what you felt was right standing with that person you were communicating with. “The effectual, fervent prayers of a righteous man availeth much”.  Here’s how I understand that scripture. A woman’s powerful and passionate prayers reach God’s ears when she’s in right standing with Him. Does that mean you are perfect and never make mistakes? Absolutely not. None of us are. It means that you recognize that you’ll make mistakes and you still pursue right standing in your personal relationship with God.

If you are a single, Christian woman desiring marriage, get my prayer guide for YOU so that you can set your prayer life (and consequently your love life) on FIRE!




Afi Ruel

Afi Ruel

Afi is a US Navy veteran, blogger and author. Her mission is to help you overcome your life, relationship and professional challenges.
Afi Ruel

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